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 Parole The way we are

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2 participants

Messages : 1082
Date d'inscription : 06/03/2008
Age : 32
Localisation : 94

Parole The way we are Empty
MessageSujet: Parole The way we are   Parole The way we are Icon_minitimeMer 28 Mai - 16:57

We have been told
there's only one way to go
but we live different lifes
dreams to unfold
like a kaleidoscope
reflecting hundred skies

no hiding
no faking
this life cause it's amazing
you want it
you need it
beware! It's so contagious

call it strange
this is the way we are
for beyond your dreams
break your chains
open your mind for more
see what it's like to be
the way we are
the way we are

we are so high
we dance on the edge of the sky
where no one dares to go
flashes of light
tell us the time is right
to blow your mind once more

no hiding
no faking
this life cause it's amazing
you want it
you need it
beware! It's so contagious

call it strange
this is the way we are
for beyond your dreams
break your chains
open your mind for more
see what it's like to be
the way we are
the way we are

no hiding
no faking
this life cause it's amazing

call it strange
this is the way we are
for beyond your dreams
break your chains
open your mind for more
see what it's like to be
the way we are
no hiding
no faking
this life cause it's amazing
the way we are

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Messages : 856
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2008
Age : 33

Parole The way we are Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Parole The way we are   Parole The way we are Icon_minitimeMer 28 Mai - 20:44


j'adore =)
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Messages : 1082
Date d'inscription : 06/03/2008
Age : 32
Localisation : 94

Parole The way we are Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Parole The way we are   Parole The way we are Icon_minitimeJeu 29 Mai - 20:30

De rien
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Parole The way we are Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Parole The way we are   Parole The way we are Icon_minitime

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Parole The way we are
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