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 Parole I don't believe

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2 participants

Messages : 1082
Date d'inscription : 06/03/2008
Age : 32
Localisation : 94

Parole I don't believe Empty
MessageSujet: Parole I don't believe   Parole I don't believe Icon_minitimeMer 28 Mai - 16:56

I don't believe in anything
I don't believe in anything

Everyday, everyday
I just dream away dream away
to another world
everyday I can see
people all around look at me
I know what they thinking
He's such a lonely rider
He's such an outsider
cause in my heart

I don't believe in anything
anything if your not with me
I don'T believe in anything
anything cause you're not with me
I don't believe in anything
anything if your not with me
I don'T believe in anything
anything cause you're not with me

Everyday everyday I know what they say
what they say
You'll be soon forgotten
no way no way they can cure me cure me
I'm a mess inside now
There's nothing left to fight for
Nothing to make it right for
You're in my heart

I don't believe in anything
anything if your not with me
I don'T believe in anything
anything cause you're not with me
I don't believe in anything
I don't believe in anything
anything if your not with me

This is the sound of my remedy
Cause I am what I am
You are what you are
This is my heart in a melody
cause you are what you are
I am what I am

I don't believe in anything
anything if your not with me
I don'T believe in anything
anything cause you're not with me

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Messages : 856
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2008
Age : 33

Parole I don't believe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Parole I don't believe   Parole I don't believe Icon_minitimeMer 28 Mai - 20:45

merciiiiiii Very Happy Very Happy love
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Messages : 1082
Date d'inscription : 06/03/2008
Age : 32
Localisation : 94

Parole I don't believe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Parole I don't believe   Parole I don't believe Icon_minitimeJeu 29 Mai - 20:27

De rien.
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Parole I don't believe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Parole I don't believe   Parole I don't believe Icon_minitime

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Parole I don't believe
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